Women's History Month

Every March and beyond, we reflect on the progress that has happened for women’s rights throughout history. This is a time when the diversity of women's history is embraced by our society – and in Kingston’s own student body.

If there’s a project you’d like to see your Union undertake relating to Women lives, you can submit it on the KSU form.


This girl can

Your Union, since 2015 has been participating in This Girl Can Campaign with your university. 

  • Celebrates women participating in sports and active lifestyles, regardless of shape, size or ability. 
  • Every year, we organise a fun-packed week full of activities for you! 


Period poverty

In 2023, KSU started researching how Period Poverty affects our students. Period Poverty refers to limited accessibility to menstrual products. 
Your elected student officer has met with the University to lobby for free and accessible period products on all campuses. 

There are free and available period products for anyone who needs them in the student union space. Please feel free to use them.



