Tell us how we can improve your student experience

Submit any ideas that you think would improve your experience at Kingston. Your peers can then vote for your ideas, and we’ll carry out the work from there.


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  • 9 score
    9 voters

    Spiking Protection

      A lot of the girls joining the uni for the 24/25 academic year are concerned about spiking after it was discovered that boys are already making attempts to target them through social media and group chats before the year's even started. Many of us agree that having drink covers available behind the bar at SU events would help us feel safer on a night out.
    Ckyra Laurence
    9:38pm on 3 Oct 24 Hi, I'm sorry to hear this has been happening. We have passed this on to our Events Coordinator for Welcome Week, and we will have a discussion at Student Council to discuss the idea further. The proposer can also contact if they would like more support. Ckyra - Vice president of KSU
    Abdullah Khan
    3:31pm on 9 Oct 24 I'm really sorry to hear that. We have passed this on to our Events Coordinator for Welcome Week, and we will have a discussion at Student Council to discuss the idea further. You can also contact if you would like more support. (Abdullah - President of KSU)