Tell us how we can improve your student experience

Submit any ideas that you think would improve your experience at Kingston. Your peers can then vote for your ideas, and we’ll carry out the work from there.


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    BOP Event Social Gathering

      Rather than going to the club for a night out, why not bring the club to Kingston? To improve student experience at Kingston, it would be amazing to have BOP events every week or once every month depending how popular the idea is. Every week/month depending on what is decided, there will be a theme; e.g., Disney, Christmas, Halloween, Come in your PJs etc. There would be cocktails, mocktails and soft drinks to accommodate all students. These events will have a ticket fees, which should be reasonable to pay as a student living on or off campus. Students would need to carry their University ID for safety. This will allow students to unwind from a long day of lectures, hang out with friends and meet new people.
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