Mitigating circumstances are specific events that have impacted you before or during an assessment.
When submitting a claim for mitigating circumstances, the following criteria should be met:
To submit a claim for mitigating circumstances, please use the online system accessed through OSIS within ten university working days after the official deadline for your assessment or ten university working days after the examination date. Before you do, please read through the relevant regulations, which are referenced below. Don’t stress if you’ve missed the deadline of 10 days, just make sure you provide some evidence explaining why you couldn't engage with the mitigating circumstance process at the correct time.
When you're ready to complete your submission, just log into OSIS using your Uni Student ID and head to the "Your Studies" tab. Look for the 'Mitigating Circumstances' title and click on the link to start a new claim.
The screens will guide you further with the instructions. Good luck!
Apply for mitigating circumstances
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