How KSU operates as a registered charity.
We’re a registered charity, which means we have a trustee board and a set of documents that show how we operate.
The Trustee Board is responsible for the management and administration of your Union.
Overturn decisions and policies from students if:
Our Constitution sets out our core purpose as a charity and the rules on how we operate.
Read the constitution
The byelaws are the details of how we deliver! From societies and sports to elections and the student council. They also give details on how we care for you, our members.
This explains how you start and stop being a member of KSU. It also explains how you can remain a member once you graduate, membership for students on courses delivered by KU partners, and how the public can become members.
Read Byelaw 1
This explains the rules around how elections and referenda are run at KSU.
Read Byelaw 2
The Memorandum of Understanding, or MoU, is an agreement between KSU and KU that sets out how we work together. We have some specific responsibilities as per the Education Act 1994, but it also details other arrangements between us.
Read the MoU
The Statement of Responsibilities, or SoR, is a summary of our responsibilities outlined in the Education Act 1994 in the Memorandum of Understanding, or MoU, which can be found in detail in the MoU.
Read the SoR
This is where we have policies that were voted on by students.
A Fixed Policy is a policy that acts as a general stance of KSU. Students can introduce, amend or remove these policies through Student Council or Referenda.
A Time-limited Policy is a policy that may relate to a specific event or point in time that automatically expires once that event has passed. Time-limited policy cannot be amended once passed but can be introduced through Student Council or Referenda.
Although we do our best to provide an excellent experience for you and ensure that our services are fit to meet your needs, we understand that this isn't always the case.
You can make a complaint by emailing, outlining your experience and any relevant details, on the following:
A senior manager at KSU will respond to you within 5 working days.