Delivering an excellent standard

Our strategy sets out how we will achieve this over the next three years in four key themes.

Operational Excellence

We want to bring you consistency, quality and transparency in the services that you use. We want to make sure they are efficient and can be accessed at your convenience.  

Bespoke Offer

Our activities and communications will be designed intentionally for you. These could be tailored to your course, your interests, your identity, your campus. Whatever it is, you should be able to find something for you here at KSU.

Impactful Advocates

It’s tough being a student and we want to make sure that we can support you on the issues you are facing. Whether that’s lobbying the university, improving your experience on your course, giving you advice if things have gone wrong or campaigning on issues you are passionate about. We’ll help make it happen.

Commercial and Events

We need to generate money to support our work but we will do this through ways we know you like or want. We have a new brand and we are excited to show it off and work with partners who support our values.

How we'll do it

There is a lot to do to make sure we can achieve this for you, so we need a set of enabling themes to help us along the way.


Finance is a fundamental part of any organisation and we are no different. Our focus is to improve our systems, improve our reporting and ensure that both areas can support the work we do for you.

Data and Insight

Understanding you and the rest of the students at Kingston is integral to the success of our work. So, we will develop our data collection and use your feedback to inform what we do, so you can be sure it’s what you want.

Good Governance

As a member organisation, it’s important that our governance allows you to use your voice to influence what we do and who does that work. It also means you can be confident that we are completing our duties as a charity with integrity.


The staff at KSU are at the heart of delivering our strategy and so we want them to enjoy working at KSU and thrive whilst they are here. Which ultimately means we are able to do our very best for you.



Full strategy for 2024 - 2027

Read our strategy

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